Jae is born in a bus terminal to a teenage mother, and is quickly swept off by the neighbouring crowd, and ends up moving from home to home. Jae is a really fascinating character at times, he almost seems Christ-like, but I think it would seem too simplistic to cast the book off for having Christian imagery. Furthermore, having grown up in a neighbourhood where one can easily imagine a similar thing happening, these events are not completely foreign to me. And in turn, I think this comes from the writer's experience of observing these types of kids up close during his military enlistment period, and he learned about the dark sides of reality when it comes these "troublesome teens." This also a book that humanizes them and makes you sympathize with them, and makes you think about why these kids end up making these choices. They aren't necessarily trying to make a life out of crime it's just the way that they can express themselves or live a life. And while these kids are rebellious and cause havoc across the streets, there is an emphasis on the fact that at the end of the day, they are just kids.
It also deals with the societal issues of how low-income class kids often wind up with the "wrong crowd" and turn to a life of crime - in this case, motorcycle gangs. It focuses on young teens who are often turned away by their families, or come into the world as orphans, and are neglected. It's also a deeply disturbing book, and at times, heavy, so those of you are cautious when it comes to violence, I do recommend that you approach with caution (I will list the content warnings down below). I Hear Your Voice centers around the dark, gritty sides of Seoul, the parts that society often ignores or are actually completely unaware of. Overall, this book is a fast read, and it wastes no time getting to the point of things. (I don't attempt to really hide spoilers here, so take caution as you proceed). The first half was quite strong, but I had a harder time connecting to the latter half.
Towards the end of this book, I'm unsure how to feel. I Hear Your Voice centers ar CW/TW: Violence, blood, child/domestic abuse (child neglect), dubious consent, sexual assault/violence It has its weaknesses, especially the last part that takes part four years later and is narrated by a writer trying to write about the events, but it was interesting enough to keep my attention throughout.moreĬW/TW: Violence, blood, child/domestic abuse (child neglect), dubious consent, sexual assault/violence Towards the end of this book, I'm unsure how to feel. What starts as a story of two orphans growing up together in Seoul suddenly takes on a more spiritual cult like nature. The story of Jae and Dongyu might have been titled ‘Motorcycle Gangs meet the Messianic’, or ‘Bikers and the Buddha’. While not drifting into magical realism, it so often contains ‘ghosts’ or things that lie outside the boundaries of science, and this is the case with ‘I Hear your Voice’. It has its weaknesses, especia I love Asian literature. Il est le révélateur incandescent d'une société, la Corée, qui est aussi la nôtre, déchirée par ses tensions internes.more
Ces motards organisent des courses illégales en plein Séoul, bravant la mort et la police, jusqu'à cette course ultime, la plus grandiose, la plus folle jamais menée, où Jeï entre dans la légende.Ĭ'est le portrait fascinant d'un homme sans attaches, à la dimension christique. A quinze ans, vagabond dans les rues de Séoul, il s'invente un mode de vie proche de l'ascèse, se nourrissant de riz cru, lisant des livres trouvés parmi les ordures, et devient le leader d'une bande de motards. Ces motards orga Enfant abandonné des hommes, Jeï découvre très tôt qu'il possède le don de capter, de sentir la souffrance des autres, objets, animaux ou humains. Enfant abandonné des hommes, Jeï découvre très tôt qu'il possède le don de capter, de sentir la souffrance des autres, objets, animaux ou humains.